Ontario Society of Professional Engineers

The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) is a member-interest, advocacy organization: they are the Voice of Ontario’s engineers, supporting, representing and advancing their interests and promoting engineering excellence for the benefit of the public.

The Problem.

OSPE came to me with their plans to create a sister website to the main organization site – a searchable hub for Ontario’s Engineering employers, containing links to professional resources. The site needed to fit comfortably under OSPE’s pre-established brand, but have its own look and feel. The hope is that this site grow to accommodate a huge pool of resources, including user-submitted content.

The Solution.

I focused on a clean, bright layout to aid in effortless navigation through the user’s search. Using image buttons for the “buckets” of different subjects, the user can filter content at a glance, or enter search terms at any time. Once at a results page, the search can be further refined by resource type or keyword. With an eye on future needs, the site was designed on a Twitter Bootstrap grid for responsiveness to various users’ screen sizes.

Other deliverables included postcards, posters, and presentation slides.

What We Did: Website, Digital and Print Collateral

Project Status: Website Launched

Tagged With:  Digital

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